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Best hair dryer with dual voltage for traveling of 2024

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Ready to level up your travel game with the best hair dryer with dual voltage? But wait, what's dual voltage? Don't worry, I've got you covered. In this blog, we'll dive into the world of dual voltage hair dryers, perfect for jet-setting adventures. Also, you can learn how to choose the perfect one for your international escapades and discover four must-know tips.

What is dual voltage hair dryer?

What is dual voltage hair dryer?

A dual voltage hair dryer is a type of hair dryer that is designed to work with both standard voltage systems (usually around 110-120 volts) and higher voltage systems (usually around 220-240 volts).

This versatility allows travelers to use the hair dryer safely in different countries without the need for voltage converters or adapters. You can review the best travel hair dryers here.

Dual voltage hair dryers typically have a switch or button that allows you to toggle between voltage settings, ensuring compatibility with the electrical system wherever you are in the world.

Dual voltage and normal blow dryer: What's the difference?

In essence, the main difference lies in voltage compatibility and travel convenience. Normal blow dryers are typically designed for use with one specific voltage, making them less versatile for international travel without the use of voltage converters or adapters.

On the other hand, dual voltage blow dryers offer the convenience of being able to switch between voltage settings, making them ideal for travel as they can be used safely in different countries without additional accessories. Here's a comparison table:


Normal blow dryer

Dual voltage blow dryer

Voltage compatibility

Typically designed for one voltage (e.g., 110-120V)

Designed to work with both standard and higher voltages (e.g., 110-120V and 220-240V)

Travel convenience

Requires voltage converters or adapters for international use

Can be used internationally without converters or adapters


Limited to specific voltage systems

Compatible with various voltage systems worldwide


Generally less expensive

May be slightly more expensive due to dual voltage feature


May be bulkier due to lack of voltage switch

Often designed to be compact and travel-friendly

How to select best dual voltage dryer for international travel?

How to select best dual voltage dryer for international travel?

When selecting the perfect dual voltage hair dryer for your international adventures, there are a few key aspects to consider. By considering these aspects, you can choose the best dual voltage hair dryer that meets your needs and ensures a hassle-free styling experience while traveling internationally.

1. Voltage compatibility: Ensure the hair dryer is compatible with both standard (110-120V) and higher (220-240V) voltage systems commonly found around the world.

2. Compact and lightweight: Opt for a travel-friendly design that is lightweight and easy to pack, making it convenient to carry in your luggage.

3. Adjustable heat and speed settings: Look for a hair dryer with multiple heat and speed settings to accommodate different hair types and styling preferences.

4. Dual voltage switch or auto sensing: Check if the hair dryer has a dual voltage switch or if it automatically adjusts to the voltage of the country you're in for added convenience.

5. Foldable handle or detachable nozzle: Consider a hair dryer with a foldable handle or detachable nozzle for compact storage and easier packing.

6. Dual voltage certification: Ensure the hair dryer is certified for dual voltage use to guarantee safety and performance when using it in different countries.

7. Accessories and attachments: Some dual voltage hair dryers come with additional accessories or attachments, such as diffusers or concentrators, which can enhance styling options

4 things you must know about dual voltage hairdryer

This section includes necessary things you need to know about dual voltage blowdryers. With these key points in mind, you'll be well-equipped to make the most of your dual voltage hairdryer and enjoy fabulous hair no matter where in the world you find yourself!

1. Voltage compatibility

Dual voltage hairdryers are designed to work with both standard (110-120V) and higher (220-240V) voltage systems, making them perfect for international travel. Just remember to switch the voltage setting before plugging it in!

2. Travel convenience

Say goodbye to bulky voltage converters or adapters! With a dual voltage hairdryer, you can effortlessly style your hair wherever your travels take you, without worrying about compatibility issues.

3. Compact and portable

Many dual voltage hairdryers are designed with travel in mind, featuring compact and lightweight designs that fit easily into your suitcase or carry-on bag. They're the perfect companion for on-the-go styling.

4. Safety first

While dual voltage hairdryers offer versatility, it's important to ensure they are certified for dual voltage use to guarantee safety and performance. Look for reputable brands and models with dual voltage certification to avoid any mishaps during your travels.

The best portable blow dryer for your travel

Laifen Swift Special high-speed hair dryer – the ultimate travel companion for those on the go! Compact, lightweight, and whisper-quiet, Swift Special is designed with portability and convenience in mind. Its powerful yet gentle airflow ensures efficient drying without the noise, making it perfect for early mornings or late nights without disturbing others.

The best portable blow dryer for your travel - Laifen Swift Special

Pros of Swift Special hair dryer for travel:

  • Portable and lightweight design for travel convenience.

  • Whisper-quiet operation ensures peaceful use anytime, anywhere.

  • Suitable for international travel.

  • Foldable handle for compact storage in luggage or bags.

The best dual voltage hair dryer you can try

Introducing the StyleCraft Peewee 1200 Folding Handle Dual Voltage Compact Travel Hair Dryer – the ultimate solution for jet-setting individuals who refuse to compromise on style, no matter where they roam. This innovative dryer combines portability with power, featuring dual voltage compatibility to effortlessly transition between different electrical systems worldwide.

With its 1200 watts of power, the StyleCraft Peewee ensures efficient and effective drying, while its folding handle design maximizes convenience for storage and travel. Equipped with a concentrator nozzle and diffuser, this dryer offers versatility for various styling needs, whether you're aiming for sleek, straight locks or bouncy, voluminous curls.

Included with the dryer is a travel bag, providing a compact and organized way to transport your styling essential wherever your adventures take you. Don't let voltage limitations cramp your style – invest in the StyleCraft Peewee 1200 Folding Handle Dual Voltage Compact Travel Hair Dryer and experience salon-quality results on the go.

Wrapping up

Perfect for jet-setters, these handy devices mentioned above offer compatibility with both standard and higher voltage systems, eliminating the need for bulky converters. Remember to check for dual voltage certification to ensure safety and performance. You can leave your common below to let us know if you have any questions.

1 comment on Best hair dryer with dual voltage for traveling of 2024
  • CLO
    CLOApril 10, 2024

    Does Laifen make the StyleCraft PeeWee? Does it dry as quickly as the Laifen?

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