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10 soft foods for wisdom teeth to ease your discomfort

Adding soft foods for wisdom teeth after a procedure to remove them is a smart move. Doing so will alleviate your discomfort and ensure that you don't aggravate the wound.

Though everyone is different, most dentists recommend that you should eat soft foods after wisdom teeth removal for a period of up to 2 weeks.

So, if you're planning to alter your diet slightly after the procedure, here are 10 soft foods for wisdom teeth that are tasty and easy to prepare to ease your discomfort.

1. Vegetable soup

One of the best soft foods for wisdom teeth is vegetable soup. You can use any type of vegetable that you wish (or even a combination of veggies), but making your own is a great way to add important nutrients to your diet after your procedure.

Some great options include tomato soup and pumpkin soup, which are both easy to consume and free from bits that could irritate your gums. We recommend eating lukewarm soup, rather than hot soup, in the days after your surgery to avoid any issues around the surgical site.

2. Greek yogurt

An excellent breakfast option after wisdom tooth removal is Greek yogurt. It is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, and is super tasty, too. You might also find that yogurt helps to soothe the area around the surgical site, making this a great product to add to your shopping list.

3. Fruit smoothies

The best way to enjoy fruits after wisdom tooth removal is to make delicious smoothies at home. You can consume any smoothie that you want to prepare, but look for smooth options in the days immediately after the procedure.

You should avoid berries, as these have bits that may get stuck in your teeth or even the extraction site, but feel free to mix things up with your favorite fruits and veggies to aid your recovery.

4. Oats

While most people prefer chewy oats for their morning oatmeal or muesli, instant oats are a great option when you're recovering from wisdom tooth extraction. Though they're not as rich in nutrients as other types of oats, they're still good for you and they're soft, easy to prepare, and don't require any hard chewing.

Even if you usually enjoy your oats hot, we recommend letting your instant oats cool sufficiently before eating them. Also, add milk to boost the health of your teeth.

5. Mashed potato (or mashed pumpkin)

Mashed potato is an easy food to prepare and it's also a filling option if you're looking to get your carbohydrate fix in the days after your procedure. You can add a delicious gravy to your mash to improve its taste.

If you're not a fan of mashed potatoes, consider mashing pumpkins instead. Cooked pumpkin is rich in several important vitamins and it's easy to swallow after having your wisdom teeth removed.

6. Bananas

Banana is a great option to add to your meal plan after having your wisdom teeth removed. They are high in potassium and folate, which are great for your health and help with the post recovery period.

The best way to eat bananas after surgery is to mash them with a fork. You can then eat them with a spoon and swallow them with minimal issue.

7. Scrambled eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein and zinc and should be included in your diet plan after wisdom tooth surgery. The best way to enjoy them is scrambled, as this is the method that requires the least amount of chewing.

You can add tumeric to your eggs if you want to spice them up a little, but make sure your eggs have cooled sufficiently before enjoying them, as you don't want to aggravate your wound.

8. Avocado

Rich in healthy fats and deliciously creamy, avocados are a superfood that will aid your recovery. Though you might not like the idea of eating avocado on its own, consider making guacamole for something a little tastier.

Alternatively, you could mash some avocado and add it to your scrambled eggs, which is a delicious way to enjoy these rich foods together for breakfast or lunch.

9. Hummus

Hummus is a brilliant source of healthy fats, oils, and proteins, and its texture is perfect for anyone recovering from wisdom tooth surgery. While you might usually enjoy hummus with your favorite chips or pitta breads, this isn't possible immediately after surgery, due to their crunchy nature.

But given the nutrients and healthy fats within hummus, it's worth enjoying a few spoonfuls of it on its own, and you can add citrus fruit to make it a little more delectable.

10. Cottage cheese

If you can't wait until 2+ weeks after surgery for your cheese fix, we recommend cottage cheese as a great option to enjoy while you're recovering. Cottage cheese is high in protein and calcium, which are both great for the strength and health of your teeth.

Just be mindful to eat it in moderation, as too much cottage cheese can lead to weight gain, particularly if you're sedentary after your operation.

Recap - the best soft foods for wisdom teeth

To aid your recovery from wisdom teeth removal, it's best to avoid solid, chewy foods for a period of around 2 weeks, but you should always seek your dentist's advice before changing your diet accordingly.

The 10 foods listed above are tasty and widely available, meaning they're all great options to consider to ease the discomfort in your mouth as you recover from the procedure.

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