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Hair loss in women – What can you do to prevent it?

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Just a few strokes and your hairbrush is already full of hair and now you are starting to fear for your hair? We can reassure you: Losing hair is quite normal, it is rather how much hair you lose and when, that makes it a reason for concern. Fear not: Medicine only speaks of pathological hair loss under certain conditions - and there is a lot you can do about it. Take a closer look at the topic of hair loss in women in this article.

Hair loss in women - definition

Every person has around 100,000 hair roots on the scalp. These are highly active body cells whose job is to produce hair and keep it on the head for a certain period of time. Their activity level constantly fluctuates between rest and production: around 80 percent of the hair roots on the head are in the growth phase, while around 20 percent are resting - and of course this is constantly changing.

Hair grows for an average of three to six years. After that, they fall out. A person therefore loses between 60 and 100 hairs every day - this is quite normal. However, if the number of hairs that fall out exceeds this figure in the long term, this is referred to as increased or pathological hair loss.

Causes of hair loss in women

There can be many different reasons for increased hair loss - in both adult men and women, and even children has hair loss problems. However, it is not always easy to find out what the cause is. Once the cause of sudden, severe hair loss in women has been identified, the chances of getting the problem under control are generally good.

The most common causes of hair loss in women can include, for example:

  • Stress: whether in our private lives or at work - stress is not good for our bodies. The condition of our hair usually reflects our general state of health.

  • Lack of nutrients: Vitamin D, B vitamins, biotin as well as folic acid, iron and zinc, among others, can be responsible for healthy hair growth.

  • Hormone fluctuations: Whether pregnancy or menopause, hair loss in women - young or older - can often occur when hormone levels start to fluctuate.

  • Diseases: Diseases of the thyroid or adrenal gland can have a negative effect on hair growth. Eczema and fungi that attack the scalp can also lead to hair loss in women, but that is not all. Many people experience more hair loss during and after a fever, and there can be a correlation between Covid and hair loss in women. In most cases, this a no reason for concern, as hair will grow back later.

  • Taking medication: Certain medications can lead to reduced hair growth.

  • Genetic predisposition: Not only men but also women can have a genetic predisposition to hair loss.

  • Incorrect care: Washing too often or too hot, using the wrong shampoo or unsuitable hair styling products can put a lot of strain on the hair, damaging it and leading to hair loss. Braids that are tied too tightly can also cause hair loss in women.

Different types of hair loss

Women can be affected by different types of hair loss. A distinction is made between the following forms:

Type 1. Diffuse hair loss

This type, also known as uniform hair loss, is the most common. The hair falls out evenly all over the head and the coat becomes visibly thinner. In many cases, diffuse hair loss in women is gradual and does not usually lead to complete hair loss. The causes can be very manyfold, as mentioned above.

Type 2. Circular hair loss

In this form, the hair falls out in one or more places. The causes of this type of hair loss are not fully understood, but science assumes that it is caused by an autoimmune disease. In this case, the body's own defence system turns against its hair follicles and causes inflammation. This stops the supply of nutrients to the hair causing it to fall out.

Type 3. Hereditary hair loss

Women are not spared from genetic hair loss either: in most cases, this form of hair loss occurs in women during menopause. The cause is a drop in estrogen levels, and we will look at how to stop hair loss in elderly women.

How to stop hair loss in women in general?

There is not just one remedy for hair loss in women, but many ways. You can get full and healthy hair in various ways and ensure that it stays that way.

Nutrition - vitamins for hair loss in women

To produce healthy hair, the hair root needs nutrients. A balanced diet can generally promote healthy hair growth. Natural food supplements such as zinc, biotin, vitamin C and vitamin E, iron or silicon can also be helpful. However, you should seek medical advice before taking supplements.

Tip: Avoid industrially produced foods. They often contain so-called "nutrient robbers", which can deprive the body of important substances that the hair root and other organs may subsequently lack.

Hair care - best shampoo for hair loss in women

The right hair care can also prevent, reduce or stop hair loss under certain circumstances. The best product for hair loss in women is a good, natural shampoo without silicones, parabens, sulphates, kerosenes, microplastics, PEG, propylene glycol, formaldehyde and EDTA. Some of these shampoos contain caffeine. However, whether this active ingredient actually has a stimulating effect on the hair follicles has not been sufficiently researched or scientifically proven.

Certain hair serums, for example with the active ingredient minoxidil, are also said to have a positive effect on hair growth. These are gently massaged into the scalp and not washed out. Hairbrushes with natural bristles can stimulate blood flow to the scalp and are a wellness treatment for hair roots.

Drug therapy - treatment for hair loss in women

Even if you think you know the causes, it is always advisable to have the reasons for sudden hair loss in women clarified dermatologically. A medical attempt will be made to find the cause and, if necessary, medical therapy will be suggested.

Remember: hair needs time to recover. It can take up to three months for the hair to grow back healthily and for thinning areas to close. So be patient and do not lose hope.

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